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Expert Advice On

Personalized Diet Plans

Bodybuilding Goals

Weight Management

Beauty Routine

Energy & Immunity Boost

For ₹499/- FREE

You Have Big Plans.
We’ll Make Them Happen for You.

Result-Driven Diet Plans

Result-Driven Diet Plans

100% Private Sessions

100% Private Sessions

Practical & Easy Solutions

Practical & Easy Solutions

Long-Term Guidance

Long-Term Guidance

Personalized Assistance

Personalized Assistance

Goal Setting for Beginners

Goal Setting for Beginners

Expert Counsel for Advanced Goals

Expert Counsel for Advanced Goals

Result-Driven Diet Plans

Practical & Easy Solutions

Personalized Assistance

Expert Counsel for Advanced Goals

Big Changes Start with a Small One.
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Real People and Their
Success Stories

GNC Success Stories

Building Lean Muscle Body without Bulk

Concern: Sameer wanted to build only lean muscles without putting on much weight. But with a diet full of unmonitored carbs, fats, and proteins, he ended up with more tummy flabs and a double chin. When he resorted to cardio exercises and fasting, it led to muscle wasting and unhealthy weight loss.

Our Solution: Sameer’s goal centers around building a muscular physique without bulk. So, we recommended him to adopt a high-protein diet with Whey Protein supplementation to charge up his muscles. After enquiring about his food preferences, allergies, and lifestyle, we came up with a personalized diet schedule that he can easily follow without hassles. Next, we devised a workout plan with a series of well-timed strength-training exercises focusing on each body part for enabling him to build a well-proportioned physique.

-Sameer, 27
GNC Success Stories

Managing Diabetes and Weight Gain

Concern: Rishi is diagnosed with borderline diabetes and was experiencing constant sugar cravings. He had gained weight recently and had trouble controlling his appetite.

Our Solution: To take care of his unwanted sugar cravings, Rishi needed support for appetite control. We recommended him to start taking Whey Protein to help him stay full for longer hours and Garcinia cambogia to curb his desire for excessive food and sugar consumption. Next, we structured out his daily diet with sugar-free alternatives and meal replacers while suggesting him to take up low-impact workout for losing weight.

-Rishi, 40
GNC Success Stories

Dealing with Skin Aging & Pigmentation

Concern: Naina’s skin changed a lot after having a baby. Her face had started showing signs of stress with prominent wrinkling around her eyes and on her forehead. Moreover, she had developed tiny pigmented speckles on her cheeks.

Our Solution: After 25, the skin begins losing its Collagen and heads towards aging. Pigmentation is one of the post-pregnancy symptoms. To counter both these skin concerns, we recommended avoiding longer hours in the sun and suggested other lifestyle changes. An antioxidant-rich diet with plenty of Vitamin C and Alpha-Lipoic Acid was set up as per Naina’s food preferences. Next, we advised her to take Marine Collagen and Glutathione to eliminate the wrinkles and fade out the dark spots on her skin.

-Naina, 33

Ms. Manasi Kajrolkar

B.Sc. Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics, M.Sc. in Specialized Dietetics, Certified Nutritionist For Low FODMAP Diet for IBS

Manasi Kajrolkar is a functional nutritionist who specializes in diabetes, cardiac, & therapeutic nutrition with 2+ years of experience. She offers personalized guidance and lifestyle solutions for people who want to live a healthy lifestyle. Her holistic approach aims not only to address chronic health conditions but also to promote fitness and enhance overall well-being.

700+ Hours of Consultation

2+ Years of Professional Practice

100+ Cases with Successful Results

Happy Customers

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Piyush Kalbhavar
    Mon 05 Feb 2024
    Really worth it, as per my body type and the things i am focusing for, i was suggested some good changes in my diet. I will amend those changes and after an interval of a month will measure the changes. Thanks a lot @Manasi Kajrolkar
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Rajib Banerjee

    Thu 08 Feb 2024
    Proper guidence very clearify and Detailing about timing when and how to consume Supplements also clear about my Diet which help for me Better Results
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Fri 23 Feb 2024
    Thank you for guiding on the products
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Aanjanaya Bhardwaj

    Tue 20 Feb 2024
    Amazing and professional
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Tue 20 Feb 2024
    She provided very valuable information
Manasi Kajrolkar - Clinical Nutritionist

Mrs. Arpita Shetty, Clinical Nutritionist

Arpita specializes in sports nutrition, wellness advice, and lifestyle-management solutions with 7+ years of professional experience.

1000+ Hours of Consultation

7+ Years of Professional Practice

100+ Cases with Successful Results